Thursday, October 27, 2011


It's about damn time!

When I first heard about this film it was suppose to come out in 2008. It was pushed back due to Warner Bros being butt hurt over the way they treated the children. I mean all they did was kill some retarded kids and bring them back as zombies. No big deal right? Well anyway this movie fell into limbo for sometime until Legendary finally decided to drop this movie on DVD and Blu Ray. You can guess that I rushed to the dvd store and purchased a copy. I didn't because I actually saw a screening of it but I still bought it anyway. It's a damn good movie to have and one of the best horror films of this generation. If you want to have a good Halloween then watch Trick R Treat. It really is a treat for the eyes.


You must fellow the rules of Halloween or the ghost of Halloween will come and eat your soul! This movie consists of three different stories that intersect together. The first is of a principal who hates his students. He is having a nice conversation with one of his kids and tells him all about the rules. One of them is never smash a pumpkin. The kid did just that and the principal kills him nasty. He has a son that seems to be pissing him off and it looks like he is about to do him in too. Turns out all he was doing was teaching the kid how to kill.

One big happy family

The other story is about four females looking for dates. One of them is being a little to shy and her sister and friends are trying to egg her on. It seems that they are looking for a little action and the shy one wants to wait for that special someone. They continue looking for dates and eventually finds them. The oldest sister allows her to roam the streets alone to look for a date. It turns out to be a very bad idea because she winds up being stalked by a wannabe vampire! Looks like little red riding hood is in for the fight for her life.

I'm looking for True Blood... got some?

The last story evolves around a bunch of teenagers trying to play a prank on a special needs girl. There is a story about a haunted cliff where a bunch of special needs children were murdered by their own parents. They take the girl and play a very mean joke on her. This joke, however, woke the zombie children. It didn't take long before this prank turned very real. The ghost of Halloween is present for all these stories which makes it even better. Later on he gets in on the fun but I really can't blame him. If you break the rules then you do have to pay!

Pretty isn't he


The acting here was great. Everyone had chemistry from beginning to end. I was drawn into this movie from the very beginning because the characters seemed so real. This has to be the best acting for a horror film in a long while. Two thumbs up in this department.



The violence here is a must see. They didn't hold any punches with anyone. The kids get it just the same. The gore isn't over the top and it seemed that they got it just right. The werewolves didn't seem realistic and I was disappointed with the CGI effect. Other than that this department was a success.

O shit


The film was written and directed by Michael Dougherty. He did a great job in both departments. The story flows nicely on every scene. The twist and turns never stop which makes this movie very exciting. The directing was great as well. He filmed it beautifully in the dark. Everything is crisp and in eyes view. This film is a must see!


The movie is great! It's the best horror film in years. It should have been released in the theaters but I really can't blame them. No one wants to watch kids get hurt or killed. None the less this film breaks new ground and is quite entertaining. Buy the dvd. It's worth every penny.


STORY - 8 out of 10
ACTING - 9 out of 10
SPECIAL EFFECTS - 7 out of 10
WRITING - 8 out of 10
DIRECTING - 8 out of 10

OVERALL 8 out of 10 (MUST SEE)





Skyline Review

Another alien movie?

Back during the summer of 2010 there was some controversy between this film and another alien war movie. The same special effects team worked on both films and the producers of Battle Los Angeles cried foul. They thought the Strause Brothers were going to steal their idea. Turned out they were right. Skyline follows the same type of story minus the military. It's like watching Battle LA from the military's point of view and Skyline is from the citizens' point of view. Despite the film having different aliens and a weak cast this film was able to stand out on it's own. The only good thing is the special effects and Brittany Daniel's hot body. Everything else just stunk.


The adventure begins when Jarrod, played by Eric Balfour, visits his friend Terry, played by Donald Faison, in LA. Jarrod brings his G/F Elaine, played by Scottie Thompson, with him. It happens to be his birthday and Terry tells Jarrod some good news. He wants him to move there to help him work on his new album. His G/F doesn't like it but doesn't get much of a chance to bitch and moan. That very night the horror begins when the aliens arrive and takes one of their friends.

Who me?

They freak out and immediately try to find their way out of the building. Terry and Jarrod head to the rooftop only to see the destruction of the city. The aliens are taking people to their spaceship to probably anal probe them. They almost get caught but is saved by the pregnant girlfriend. Terry tries to save a neighbor but fails and now wants to get in his car and leave. They all follow suit but this proves to be a bad plan. They begin to fall one by one.

I slipped
The remaining survivors packed themselves in the apartment waiting for help. The military finally springs into action and kicks some serious butt. The aliens are harder to kill than imagine and this sends chills down Jarrod's spine. He wants to take his family and try to reach the military for help but there's something seriously wrong with Jarrod. They don't know what side he is on and if it's truly him. Will they survive or will the aliens take over the world? Watch the film to find out. The special effects are great.

See pretty


The acting here was well... below average. That's me really putting it nicely. It's really nothing to wave home about. There's no one that stands out and David Zayas performance seemed forced. I couldn't care about these characters because they all seemed so dull except for Brittany Daniels. She was hot!



The movie was made for its special effects. It did succeed in this department. The aliens looked unique and everything seemed real enough. There is some scenes that needed a bit of touching up. Those scenes looked more like a video game than an actual movie. Overall this department did not fail. It's everything else that wasn't so great.



The film was written by Joshua Cordes and Liam O' Donnell. Their story sucked. It sucked big time. The dialog was hogwash and the actors couldn't hide it. The directing was good though. It was directed by the Strause Brothers and they did a very good job. Action seems to be their strong point and I can see them in the future directing blockbusters. This however isn't one of them.


The movie is worth a watch if you're into action. It's nothing special. The acting sucks, the story is a drag, and the dialog is a bore. The only good thing to see is the special effects and Brittany's hot ass. Let's hope her sister is in the sequel!!!

Her twin


STORY - 3 out of 10
ACTING - 3 out of 10
SPECIAL EFFECTS - 7 out of 10
WRITING - 2 out of 10
DIRECTING - 7 out of 10

OVERALL 4 out of 10 (SKIP IT)





Saturday, October 22, 2011

Puss in Boots Review (Minor Spoilers)

It was only a matter of time


Well well well. Look what we have here. A movie about an adorable little pussy in boots. This cat was a cool addition to the movie Shrek. He became so popular that the the studio needed to make a movie about him. I was skeptic at first but after catching a sneak peek of this film I had to change my mind. It's a good film that I think the family will love. Maybe even the ladies.


It begins in one of the most unlikely places. Puss in boots is a young kitten living in an orphanage with Humpty Dumpty, played by Zach Galifianakis. Together they dream of getting out of the orphanage and finding a better life for themselves. Through some wackyness they come up with an idea of stealing some magic beans that will grow into a big tree that will lead them to a golden egg and some riches. Too bad they end up drifting apart and leading two different lives. One goes on to be a saving grace and a heart throb to many felines and the other just well... sits there.

You all know the story

Puss meets his partner in crime named Softpaw, to help him with his adventures. Along one of those adventures he comes across his old buddy Humpty. Humpty still dreams about getting the magic beans and makes up a plan. Puss isn't interested at first but sense softpaw was all for it he decided to give it a shot. One problem though. Jack and Jill has the same idea and is also in pursuit of the magic beans. This turns into one fun adventure that I don't want to spoil for anyone. Take the kids. They will love it!


The acting here is pretty damn good. Everyone had chemistry here and it is felt throughout the picture. I enjoyed the interactions with Billy Bob Thornton and Antonio Banderas. They light up the screen when they are together. There is a lot of laughter here and I'm glad the right actors was chosen.

Helpful isn't he?


The special effects were great. Everything looked sharp and on point. The detail was better than any Shrek movie which really says something. The 3D version is a must see. It pops in the right places and at the right time. They truly out did themselves with this film.

I'm bringing sexy back!


The film was written by too many screenwriters to mention and directed by Chris Miller. The directing was almost flawless. I loved how he presented and introduced each character. He shot the film as if it wasn't an animated movie and made it into something special. The writing, however, isn't so great. It has it's funny moments but overall it was lacking something. The actors really made the dialog seem intriguing despite how silly it sounded. The movie isn't as slow paced as I thought but it still drags in some areas. Maybe it needed another rewrite.


Despite its minor flaws it's a good movie to watch with the family. It will blow you away with the special effects and 3D. The action scenes aren't shabby either thanks to Chris Miller. Puss in Boots stands alone as being one of the better stand alone films. I just hope there's no sequel to this. It really doesn't need one.


STORY - 6 out of 10
ACTING - 8 out of 10
SPECIAL EFFECTS - 9 out of 10
WRITING - 5 out of 10
DIRECTING - 8 out of 10

OVERALL 7 out of 10 (MUST SEE)


Paranormal Activity 3 Review (Minor Spoilers)

Not this shit again!


WHY?!?! Why are they doing another one? Not just another one but an origin story? The first one scared me to the point where I was looking around the house looking for anything strange, let alone sleeping with the lights on. The second one went too Hollywood for me and left me tasteless. I wasn't hoping for anything special other than being scared. Yeah there's a few jumps and scares here but nothing that you will take back home with you. It's better than the last one despite it going back to bull$hit land.


It begins with the second one. Katie brings her sister a box of old VHS tapes of them when they were little. After looking through the box they realize that they don't remember any of them. During the events of the second one the box magically disappears. We jump to a birthday party in 1988. Everything seems fine and the two little sisters are having a good time. The stepfather introduces himself to his new camera. He uses it for everything it seems. Videotaping his daily work, the kids, his wife smoking pot, and a little fun in the bedroom. Too bad an earthquake happened and they had to flee the room. Good thing the camera was still running because it caught the demon knocking off dust from it's body! It damn sure didn't look human either.


This leads the husband to film the room, the children's room, and the kitchen/living room. He learns that Kristi has an imaginary friend named Tobi. He catches her talking to him in the dead of night. He asks her about him and she tells him that he's tall, humanlike, and friendly. Soon weird things start to happen like weird noises coming from through out the house, Katie being locked in the closet with a demon, the babysitter playing hide and go seek, which leads to her boobie being grabbed (you will see what I'm talking about when you see the film), and Katie's pony tail being pulled lifting her off the ground! Despite all of this the mother doesn't believe a single word from anyone. That all changes when see witnesses all of her kitchen appliances including the table fall from the ceiling.

I'm innocent I swear
This leads to her taking them to her Grandma's house. Too bad that Tobi didn't get the memo that he should stay put and follows them. Turns out that Grandma had a plan for them all. I won't give away the ending but it left me wondering "Why was this film even made?" I get that they wanted to continue the saga but the way it's going it's becoming ridiculous. When you run out of good ideas for a trilogy it's time to hang it up. I hope it's not the last piece to this movie puzzel because It shouldn't end like this. Having the girls do that with the demon is just plain disgusting.

Feel my pain


The acting here is pretty decent at best. The parents felt like they were truly in love and cared for the children. The two little girls played their part well and it felt like they were truly scared. The girls made the movie believable and that's a hard gig for little children. I doubt many people will complain about this department. They do pull you into the movie which is a very good thing.

I will eat your soul


I like the special effects. Much better than the last two films. The kitchen scene was a big surprise and a highlight of the movie. The way Tobi played around with the babysitter left the audience in awe. You barely get that reaction with horror films. I see good things in the future for this special effects team.


The directing here was decent. For handheld cameras you get to see everything you need to see. It's the writing I have the problem with. The parents reactions was unrealistic. The stepdad's friend gets clawed in the stomach and witnesses the wrath of Tobi and all he does is leave and tells him to watch the tape? If that was me I would have grabbed the little girl, left the camera, and high tide my ass out of there and never looked back... not clean up the mess Tobi made. The mother was just as stupid. I couldn't help but shake my head.


Overall the movie is a must see. It's better than the last films when it comes to special effects, acting, and directing. The story, however, wasn't better than the first. It raped away any redemption for this franchise to get better. See it for a good Halloween scare. Then go back to the cashier and ask for a refund. I heard many people in the audience say that on their way out.


STORY - 6 out of 10 (would have been 8 if the ending didn't suck)
ACTING - 7 out of 10
SPECIAL EFFECTS - 8 out of 10
WRITING - 5 out of 10
DIRECTING - 8 out of 10

OVERALL 7 out of 10 (MUST SEE)



Thursday, October 20, 2011

Red State Review (Minor Spoilers)

Fear god!

I came across this film because of Kevin Smith. Most of you know him as the director of Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back, Chasing Amy, Clerks 1 and 2, Dogma, and that forgettable movie Jersey Girl. When I read up on this film a few years back I was shocked to see that this film is a thriller and not a comedy. I didn't think Kevin Smith could write something like this. Indeed I was surprised by how good this movie turned out to be. I still prefer his slap stick comedies above all but now I know Kevin has what it takes to keep me at the edge of my seat, hoping everything turns out ok. We all know it never does.


Three teenage boys are looking for a little fun one night after school. Jared, played by Kyle Gallner , talks two of his friends into meeting up with a woman he met online for a little 4-some. Travis, played by Michael Angarano, doesn't want to do it. He thinks it's a scam and the girl is probably someone who doesn't want to play nice. After being peer pressured he gets his parents' car and heads to their date. They are so excited they don't see a parked car and hits it from the side. Lucky for them the car belongs to the town sheriff who was having a little fun of his own.

O shit!

They still manage to make it to the woman's home but they soon realize something isn't right. She drugs them while they are in their underwear and has them carried away. She is a member of a church that hates all sinners. This includes homosexuals, people who are sexual active before marriage, and my personal favorite... getting it in the butt. After a great sermon by the preacher, played by Michael Parks, he kills a man that is being accused of loving the cock. The church goers shoots the man in front of Jared and sends the body in the basement with Jared's other friends. They are planning on killing the three teenagers because they believe that they are perverts, which is true, but is interrupted when one of the teens is caught escaping. He kills one of the church people before he gets shot in the head. Lucky for him a cop was near by and heard the noise. Too bad none of that matter.

bitches with guns
They end up killing the cop and tells the sheriff if he sends reinforcements that they will let out all his dirty secrets. Instead he calls in a terrorist squad, headed by John Goodman, to handle the situation. That's when all hell breaks loose and this movie turns into the wild west. There's a lot of action going on and twists and turns that left me in awe. I don't want to give anymore away but I will say this story will not disappoint. You will be at the edge of your seat the whole time.

Run boy Run


The acting in this movie is special. Everyone brought something to the table that made this film unique. Michael Parks was the best. He played his role extremely well and made me into a believer. The chemistry is there with everyone and not once did I feel that someone was miscast. It's a great outing by great actors.



This movie didn't use a lot of SFX. You won't see any explosions here but a lot of blood and wild shooting. I loved how it was presented and shot. You get to see both sides of the spectrum. A job well done in this department.

They look good together!

The film was written and directed by Kevin Smith. He did a wonderful job in both departments. The pace wasn't too slow and the dialog seemed natural. Kevin didn't hold any punches with his words and delivered one of the best monologues in recent memory. Kevin Smith has out done himself here.


This is a must see film. I enjoyed it and I think many of you will too. The film isn't that long and it has a unique story to it. This is a different side of Kevin Smith and I have to say I love it! I hope I see more films like this from him in the near future.


STORY - 7 out of 10
ACTING - 8 out of 10
SPECIAL EFFECTS - 7 out of 10
WRITING - 7 out of 10
DIRECTING - 7 out of 10




Wednesday, October 12, 2011

FOOTLOOSE (Minor Spoilers)

They can't be serious

THE MOVIE: CRITIC'S TAKEWhy in the blue hell would they remake one of the best movies ever made? It made Kevin Bacon a legend and it made it cool to dance in the streets again. Back then it was a unique film that defined teenage rebellion. Just remaking this type of film would be destined for a fail. The trailer didn't look promising and I thought that this movie would be garbage. I reluctantly walked into the screening with my head down expecting to watch another dumb remake. Turns out that I was wrong. It doesn't live up to the original but instead makes it a movie of its own.


It begins with a bunch of high school students dancing to a catchy tone. I noticed that it takes place in present time due to all the inverted crunk dancing. The teens are going home but had too much fun and too much to drink and ends up killing each other. This drives the town politics to outlaw public dancing. This makes every parent happy but the teens worst nightmare realized.

I won't get laid

Enters Ren, played by Kenny Wormald, to the town of no dancing. He is a witty kid from Boston who moves in with family after his mother died. He quickly makes up his new ride and ventures into town to only get a ticket. A ticket for playing his music to damn loud!

Now isn't that a bitch
 He quickly makes a new friend named Willard, played by Miles Teller. He's the average town hick who can kick anyone's ass and can't dance if his life depends on it. Willard shows him around town and Ren quickly meets the girl that will change his life forever. Her name is Ariel, played by Julianne Hough. She's the preacher's daughter who acts more like a whore. Ren is full aware of her antics and doesn't want to be apart of it but her father thinks that he is the reason behind her sexual insanity.

And her dancing

She has a boyfriend named Chuck that is a real A-hole and challenges him to a game of death race. He survives and comes up with a bright idea. He wants to save the town from the dumb law of no dancing. He gets in trouble with the law once again due to one of Chuck's buddies and decides to take his rage out to some rock music in an abandon building. After chilling out with Ariel he comes up with a plan to make the town's people see how dumb their laws are. Will Ren finally get the people to change their minds this time around? Can he teach Willard how to dance so he can impress the girl that he likes? Is Chuck too badass for Ren to take down forever? Come friday all these questions will be answered and then some.


The acting was shockingly good here. I loved the chemistry that everyone had. Not once did I not think that anyone did a bad job. The accents seemed fair enough and everyone seemed to have fun on film. Even the dance scenes seemed natural. These actors and actresses did one hell of a job.

See fun

I loved the lighting of this film. The directing was nicely done and it felt like it was the country. The dancing was fun to watch and I liked how they added hip hop and crunk to the mix. Everyone seemed to flow with the music and Miles did one hell of a job. Everything seemed right for this department.


The movie was written by Dean Pitchford and Craig Brewer. I couldn't help but feel that the story dragged on longer than it should but the dialog and fun in the film kept me entertained. The film was also directed by Craig and he did a great job keeping the tone of the film like the original. Both of these guys need a round of applauds because they made this film ten times better than I thought it would be.


It's a fun film that I think you all will enjoy. All music lovers will love this film and the dancers will eat it up. Miles stole the movie away from everyone and I think many people will like his performance. I do recommand it for anyone wanting to have a fun time at the movies.


STORY - 6 out of 10
ACTING - 7 out of 10
WRITING 6 out of 10
DIRECTING 7 out of 10

OVERALL 7 out of 10 (MUST SEE)


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

REAL STEEL REVIEW (Minor Spoilers)

Sock'em robots the movie

THE MOVIE: CRITIC'S TAKEThe trailer for this movie was indeed an eye opener. The special effects seemed decent and real enough to pass off as something legit. The story itself wasn't impressive but still stands out among the rest. I was excited to see this film because not a lot of blockbuster movies come out in October. I was not expecting this film to disappoint and I'm glad it lived up to my expectations. Still for some reason I was not satisfied.


The story begins like all other weird films. A drunk loser of a father named Charlie, played by Hugh Jackman, is having a hard time in life due to the fact that he wasted a good portion of it gambling in illegal boxing. Not just any boxing but robot boxing. Like the idiot that he is he places another bet on his robot and loses. He is now in debt for $20,000 to a loan shark named Ricky, played by Kevin Durand. He does what every coward would do and that's run away but he is now facing a dilemma. The mother of his child has died and is now left with his son Max, played by Dakota Goyo. Things are not looking good for Charlie.


His aunt and uncle wants the boy and Charlie agrees but only if they pay him $100,000 and half of it has to be upfront. They agree but only if he takes care of Max for three months. At this point I started to feel that the poor kid was being sold into slavery or worse. This proves to be a good move for Charlie because he teaches the boy how to gamble and fix robots. Luckily Max is all game for his dad's amazing life and even finds him a brand new robot, by means of near death experience of course.

I will break you
They name him Atom and quickly gets him into fights. One problem...  Atom is merely a piece of crap. It was built to take punishment not give it. Charlie has to give it voice commands and teach it how to box so they can make money off of it. It proves to work for sometime until the loan sharks catch up to Charlie and gives him a beating of his life. That wasn't his only worry. Max's aunt and uncle wants the boy and Atom is preparing for the fight of its robot's life. How will Charlie overcome all this angst and prevail? Go watch the movie and find out... or now a days go here.


The acting was decent at best. I didn't feel a father and son connection with the two actors given. Hugh played the playful father and a deadbeat nicely. I did like how he got along with Evangeline Lily in this film and the boys aunt and uncle. You could feel the tension where ever they popped on screen. Overall the acting isn't too bad and will be acceptable to most.


This is where the movie excels. I like the in your face action and the look of the movie. It's the distant future but it still looked like it could have happened today. The fights were great to see and who knew that the robots could express emotion that way. If you want to see a hard hitting movie this is for you.


The film was directed by Shawn Levy and Written by John Gatins. The story flows nicely and the dialog seemed presentable. I wasn't too impressed with the whole story but I had to remember it is a science fiction movie about fighting robots. I think I could let it slide for now. The directing was pretty good as well but the in your face action gave me a headache. He did well but I don't think too many movie goers are ready for that kind of action.


Overall the movie is a must see. It has great action and a decent story. It's defintely worth a date movie or a buddy movie with a good friend. I can even see people coming back for seconds. Afterall what else is there to see in the theaters?

O that's right!

STORY - 5 out of 10
ACTING - 6 out of 10
SPECIAL EFFECTS - 8 out of 10
WRITING - 5 out of 10
DIRECTING - 7 out of 10

OVERALL 6 out of 10 (GIVE IT A TRY)


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Immortals Review (Minor Spoilers)

Isn't this 300?


Remember the movie The Cell? Probably so if you're a fan of great visuals. Did you see 300? Of course you did because it's one of the most violent and visual stunning movies of all time. Combine the two and you get Immortals. This film is directed by Tarsem Singh, the man that will soon direct the Snow White adaption. Walking into this screening I had high hopes for this film. I didn't expect good acting but I did expect a great visual masterpiece. Tarsem did not disappoint.


The story begins with a tale about how there was a war between the gods. The losers, which were the titans, was trapped and hidden forever unless someone powerful can find and free them. Hyperion, played by Mickey Rourke, wants to free the titans so they can wreck havoc on the gods. He blames them for the death of his family. Theseus, played by Henry Cavill, is a peasant chosen by the gods to stop Hyperion from unleashing the titans. A seer, played by Frieda Pinto, is being hunted by Hyperion but finds refuge with Theseus and his men.

Among other things

This leads to a battle of wits between the two enemies. An adventure of cool effects and beautiful women emerge. A hero is born while others die with grace. I won't give away anything major because this film won't be released till Nov 11, 2011 but I can say that the story flows nicely. No filler stuff, just action with a spice of romance. It's a guy film that some women may enjoy.


The downfall of this movie. I couldn't buy none of the actors playing their roles in this movie. I personally think everyone was miscast except for Mickey Rourke. He was the best one in this movie and his ruthlessness was great to watch. All Freida brought to the table was her good looks and her tight ass (which I'm wondering if it was really her's). This movie would have been better with better actors but I doubt most of you will care about this. This film wasn't made to win Oscars.

It was made to look badass


The effects will leave you breathless. I loved the scenery in this film. Everything just pops. The style is unique and blows 300 out of the water. The fight scenes are the best I've seen in a long time. This may go down as one of the best action movies ever. Once you see the film you will know exactly what I'm talking about. Who knew that gods could kick ass like that?

I'm scared


The writing here was so-so. The story flowed well and the dialog seemed reasonable but the real masterpiece is Tarsem. Once again he blows me away with his artistic design and creativity. I couldn't help but feel that he stole some scenes from 300 but I can forgive him. He did it better than that other director could ever do. I wish him the best for the future.


It's a must see! Once the movie is released in theaters go see it. You won't be disappointed. I will warn against the 3D version however. It adds nothing to the story. Stick with 2D and you will enjoy it just the same.

STORY 6 out of 10
ACTING 4 out of 10
WRITING 7 out of 10
DIRECTING 9 out of 10

OVERALL 7 out of 10 (MUST SEE)