Saturday, December 17, 2011

Hugo Movie Review (Minor Spoilers)

Gotta love the key


Martin Scorsese is one of the best directors alive today. He mostly does gangsta and mob pictures. So I was surprised when I heard he was directing a kiddie movie. I saw the special effects and was impressed with Martin's style. I loved the cast he put together and it seemed like it was going to be a great film. After watching it I realized it didn't live up to the hype. It doesn't mean that this film was bad. It just means I was left unsatisfied.


It's 1931 Paris where Hugo, played by Asa Butterfield, is enjoying himself with his father, played by Jude Law. His dad is a clock maker and enjoys his job. He takes his son to the movies where Hugo falls in love with Georges Melies films. Soon tragedy hits when his father dies in a museum fire. His uncle, played by Ray Winstone, takes him in. This is where his troubles really begins.

I hope I don't fall

His uncle isn't the nicest man in the world and treats him nothing like his father. The uncle is a watchmaker and an asshole. He teaches Hugo how to maintain a watch and a clock but soon leaves him high and dry. Hugo is left living in the walls of the train station and running from inspector Gustav, played by Sacha Baron Cohen. He wants to catch the kid and throw him out on his ass. He also has a shady toy owner that wants to ring his neck. He steals from him to continue work on his father's last piece of work, a mechanical man that can write with a pen. How exciting!


He meets the toy store owner's goddaughter, played by Chloe Moretz. She isn't allowed to watch movies for some odd reason and Hugo is inspired to show her what she's missing. This angers the toy owner so much he winds up stealing the blue prints to Hugo's father's project. There is one thing missing though, a heart shaped key. This leads to a race to find the missing item and complete the project. Little did they both know that what they were looking for was with them the whole time.

What a date!


The acting was ok. I liked the chemistry between Asa and Chloe. It seems like Chloe can work with almost anyone. Sacha was his usually self and put on a decent performance. I felt that something was missing. It seemed like some of the other actors weren't into the film like the children were. That was disappointing because the acting could have been phenomenally.

Like this picture


The special effects was something for the eyes to see. I love the world that he brought to life. Everything looked as real as it could. I loved how the mechanical man interacted with the boy. The 3D was better than what I expected but I still think they could have done more. Overall, it was an all around good job for this department.

I think I'm in love


The film was written by John Logan and directed by Martin Scorsese. John did a wonderful job with the dialog. It was his pacing of the story that left the audience bored. He could have gave more time to Sacha's character and less of the toy owner. I think that could have been more exciting to watch. The directing, however, was one of Martin's best. He proved that he can film in 3D and I think Martin is a director that can survive in any era.

Help I'm stuck in a fucking book


The film is a must see. You will love the 3D and special effects. The acting was decent at best but Asa and Chloe shines. It's a film for the whole family and is perfect for the holidays. Just try not to fall asleep before the action begins.


STORY 7 out of 10
ACTINBG 6 out of 10
WRITING 7 out of 10
DIRECTING 8 out of 10


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