Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Devil Inside Review (Minor Spoilers)

Not another damn devil movie!


When I first saw the trailer I thought this movie was going to be one of the scariest films I have ever seen. I was anxious to get my butt to the movies so I could see this tale. I should have listened to the screening reviews because I was left unhappy. The movie had a good story and it seemed like some new lyrics to an old song has come along. I was disappointed to find out that this film will only be a one hit wonder. The ending sucked the life and thrill out of this film faster than you can say "I want my fucking money back!"


In the late 80s a woman killed three men and injuried some local detectives while trying to escape. She was sent to Rome, Italy for treatment after being discovered as a lunatic. This confused her daughter Isabella, played by Fernanda Andrade, so much that she decided to hire a camera man to film her research. She wants to find out if her mother really did kill those men during her exorcism. When in Rome she attends a class about exorcismes that only intrigues her naive mind. Lucky she found two priests that share the same thoughts.

God please help me!

After visiting her mother she now believes that she is truly possessed. The two priests takes her on one of their exorcismes where she learns the true horror of being possessed. The priests agree to exorcise her mother and that's where this story takes a twist. It seems that the mother is possessed by one powerful demon that can control more than one person. That's because he didn't come alone. This sets up some twists and turns that most of the audience saw coming but no one knew how it would end. It seems that it didn't end at all.

This shit hurts!


The acting here was decent at best. The chemistry was there and none of their performances seemed dry. The only problem I had was their ability to show true horror. For a woman who never seen an exorcism she took it pretty well. At a matter of fact they all took it pretty well. The director should have saw this and intervened. If the actors aren't showing much fear then why should the audience?

Please don't kiss!


The effects here looked pretty real. For a low budget film they did a wonderful job. There isn't a lot of gore but lots of blood. Some of the scenes will make you cringe and gasp for air. One scene in the film almost made me gag. I'm a fan of blood and guts but when it comes out of that place, I draw the line!

Holy Hell!


The film was written by Matthew Peter and William Brent Bell. They did a very good job with the flow of the film. It is easy to follow and it doesn't get confusing. The directing, however, wasn't the best. Sometimes the film was out of focus and the angles looked unprofessional. I think William should have stayed behind a computer and let a better director handle the film. It's not easy directing with that type of camera but if Paranormal Activity and Catfish could do it I see no reason why William failed at it.


It's a great film to see on DVD or Netflix. I wouldn't waste my money on the big screen. You might want your money back. That's the only reason I'm telling people to stay away from the theater. I want to help stop some angry viewers from punching the ticket guy in the face.


STORY 7 out of 10
ACTING 6 out of 10
WRITING 7 out of 10
DIRECTING 5 out of 10


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